Ninja Combat


Original Release: ADK, 1990, Arcade/NeoGeo

Other Releases: Wii (2007), PS2 (in ADK Damashii, 2008)

An oddball beat-and-shoot that doesn't play particularly well but offers some entertainment by pairing basically OK gameplay with some typical early 90s beat-em-up weirdness

Ninja Combat (Arcade, ADK, 1990)

Where to Buy: eBay

How to Emulate: Arcade Emulation Guide

Review by: C. M0use

Ahhh, white ninjas and wailing guitars ... it's gotta be a late 80s-early 90s game ... Actually, it looks to me like a small hut. Let's attack aggressively!

Anyway, this is an odd sort of beat-em-up (almost like a hybrid shoot-em-up) starring two white ninjers. The gameplay is solid, but thoroughly generic. There are a few minor points of interest, like the sub-bosses of each level tend to join you as a playable character choice for the next level. 

Musashi is in Amsterdam!

Most of the interest in this one involves unintentional corny humor though, like the nerdly voice acting of the two lead ninjers. Some of the enemies are worth a laugh too - like Slinky Wind Ninjer who sucks five regular ninjas into his funnel to form his freaky wobbly arms, then dies in an agonizing paraplegic explosion when you kill him. Or the Groaderfiend guy that just keeps hacking at you crazily as soon as he gets into range ... or the Seraphim chick who crashes through the wall rocking out and then can't seem to figure out that her sword range is too short to reach you.

Yeah, the game is hella silly, unfortunately it's also not challenging at all, pretty short and really repetitive. I wouldn't spend hard-earned money on it, the best it can do is to generate a chuckle here and there.
