Marvel: Ultimate Alliance


Original Release: Activision, 2006, PS2/PS3/PSP/PC/Wii/Xbox/Xbox 360

Other Releases: Game Boy Advance (2006), PlayStation 4/Xbox One (2016)

A sprawling roster of Marvel heroes take on the forces of Doctor Doom in a brawler with RPG elements

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Gameboy Advance, Activision, 2006)

Where to Buy: Amazon

How to Emulate: coming soon!

Review by: C. M0use

The GBA port of Ultimate Alliance reduces the experience to a clunky, shitty 2D brawler with not a lot going for it. You'll be trudging through muddy pixelated graphics, clunky menus and dialogue boxes with a bad font, and simplistic levels full of repetitive enemies in this one. 

The big selling point is getting a random collection of heroes to take on each level with, but all of them end up being stiff jerks with major movement and attack problems. And there's never anything exciting to do with them anyway. 

Though this game does add one piece of flair to the standard beat-em-up trudge ... a Doom keycard system that requires you to trudge BACK through old territory to open doors you passed! What fun. 

If you're interested in this game's concept, definitely stick with the "big brother" versions and ignore this crummy half-assed handheld port (apparently the only release developed by a completely different team). 
