Batman Begins


Original Release: EA, 2005, Game Boy Advance

A 2D adaptation of the bigger 3D Nolan Batman tie-in for consoles, simplified to minimize the stealth and gadget use and entirely remove the driving levels

Batman Begins (GBA, EA, 2005)

Where to Buy: Amazon

How to Emulate: coming soon!

Review by: C. M0use

For the 2D handheld "demake" of the console Batman Begins, we basically end up getting another side-scrolling Batman beat-em-up (certainly weren't enough of those already :/ ). 

The port is your requisite license of an action movie that uses "realistic rendered graphics" (that look like ass) in a side-scroller with amateurish level layout and a generally somewhat slapdash feel. I'll give the game credit in that it tries a bit harder than most movie licenses - Batman has a pretty robust move set, triangle-jumping off walls, climbing on overhead pipes, and a variety of attacks and gadgets at his disposal. No suite of wonderful toys, however, can overcome level design that ranges from boring to poor, uninspiring enemies with weak scripting, and bad graphics.

The game uses a percentage system to maybe make you think it's a Metroidvania or something, but it's a wholly linear cruise through levels loosely based on movie events. Unfortunately there are  no Batmobile levels or anything like that - every major sequence of the movie is basically hammered into a side-scrolling beat-em-up style somehow. And for some reason the bat suit in this one looks a lot more like Adam West era than the Nolan movies. There's some potential here, but it doesn't even come close to being fully realized.
